Ringworm is a skin infection primarily caused by a fungus and characterized by round spots on the skin. In a snap, this article contains important facts about this disease such as its name derivation, causes and sources, symptoms, and diagnostic process.
Name Derivation The wrong assumption of the earlier times that this infection was caused by a worm is the reason why it is called Ringworm. Tinea, Latin for growing worm, is its general medical name.
Causes and Sources
Agents that bring skin problems are called dermatophytes or skin fungi. Normally, these agents can only survive on the dead layer of keratin protein on the surface of the skin. They very seldom occur in deeper parts of the body like vagina or mouth.
The skin fungi are most commonly located in warm and moist areas, like the skin folds, swimming pools, and locker rooms.
Because this infection is contagious, it can spread by mere skin contact or sharing of personal things with an infected person. Touching an animal suffering from Tinea can also be a source of such infection.
You will know that you are infected by this disease when you have any the following symptoms:
1. You will notice some random bald spots on your beard or scalp.
2. Your nails will discolor, thicken and in some cases, crumble.
3. You will see and feel red, protruding, itchy and scaly spots on your skin. Oftentimes, it is outlined with red, sharply defined edges. The center part shows your normal skin tone.
Diagnostic Process
Once the above-mentioned symptoms are already perceived, it is very likely that you have ringworm. When this happens, always consult your doctor and unravel the situation. The doctor may then diagnose the infection based on the physical appearance. You may also be examined using a Wood's lamp in a dark room. However, the more accurate type of diagnosis is through inspection of affected cells under a microscope.
If you think you have the symptoms of ringworm, you may want to visit this site which can educate you further about ringworm.
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